Yoga Classes

Reconnecting women to their innate feminine power and body wisdom

Is this you?

  • You’re stressed, tired, tense or anxious and you can never fully relax.
  • You have unexplained aches and pains.
  • You’re hormonal.
  • You’re desperate for a baby, but you’re struggling to conceive.
  • You’re fearful of birth.
  • You’re overwhelmed and exhausted by motherhood and life.
  • You feel disconnected from who you really are.
  • You’ve lost your inner fire.
  • You long for a simpler life.

At allwoman, we use the incredible healing, calming, strengthening and restorative power of Yoga, Somatic Movement and other bodywork practices to help you find the balance you need, no matter what stage of life you’re at.

We specialise in working with women, both one to one and in groups, and enjoy being part of their journey of reconnection and self-discovery.

Our yoga classes support women as they find more balance and harmony in their lives by deepening their inner connection to their own bodies’ needs, helping them cope pre-conception, with fertility issues, prenatally, postnatally or during times of transition, grief or loss and helping alleviate the symptoms of menstruation, perimenopause or menopause.

One to One Yoga Classes


Pregnancy Yoga

Yoga for

Yoga for Birth

Hatha Slow
Flow Yoga

Hatha Slow Flow Yoga


Restorative Yoga


Somatic Movement

Group Yoga Classes


Restorative Yoga
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On sign up you receive a free 45 minute Restorative Yoga sequence to practice with at home whenever you need to find some space to connect to you. 

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