Introduction to Pregnancy Yoga
Are you a yoga teacher who want to know how to integrate pregnant students into your classes?
Do you want to be more confident supporting pre or postnatal students?
Are you curious to know more about Pregnancy Yoga, perhaps for your own pregnancy or before committing to a full pregnancy yoga teacher training course?
If you’re ready to dip your toes into the water and learn more about teaching specialised Pregnancy Yoga, this one day Introduction to Pregnancy Yoga CPD course is for you.

Course overview
It is also applicable to keen yogis who have a dedicated practice and are thinking about getting pregnant or who are pregnant and would like to understand how best to support the changing needs of their body as they journey through pregnancy and beyond into motherhood.
This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to:
- Welcome pregnant students into your regular yoga classes
- Advise your students on appropriate adaptations and modifications to maintain a safe, effective and healthy yoga practice that meets the changing needs of their body
- Confidently work with your students throughout their pregnancy
- Understand when a general class might not be the right option and when is the right time to refer students on
This course includes:
- An introduction to pregnancy and a review of the different stages of pregnancy and the physiological, mental and emotional changes women can experience during this time
- The benefits of yoga for pregnant women
- Contraindications to particular poses and how to modify and adapt a range of commonly used yoga poses and breathing techniques
- Dos and don’ts of Pregnancy Yoga to enable you to confidently and effectively support your students
- When is the right time for a pregnant student to join a general yoga class and when a general class is not appropriate
- How to adapt popular yoga forms such as sun salutations to suit the changing needs of the pregnant body
- Safe and beneficial breathing (pranayama) techniques.
Outline of the day
10am until 12.30pm
The session will begin with a short meditation and a simple, accessible pregnancy focused yoga class to enable you to experience what a pregnancy focused practice feels like in the body.
We will then move into discussions around:
- The pregnancy experience and journey, looking at the physical, emotional and psychological needs and considerations of a pregnant woman both in general terms and in the setting of a yoga class
- Common pregnancy-related issues and how these would affect a yoga practice
- What to avoid in yoga and breathing and why, at the various stages of pregnancy
- Beneficial practices at the various stages of pregnancy
- When a general yoga class might not be right
- Benefits of a dedicated pregnancy yoga class
Q&A time, a quick lie down and integrate
12.30pm until 1.30pm
Lunch break
1.30pm until 5.00pm
The afternoon session will be a practical workshop, including a yoga class integrating modifications for pregnancy and exploring ways to embody what pregnancy feels like. It will cover:
- Alternative sun salutations
- Breakdown of the more common asanas, looking at suitable modifications or alternatives for each trimester or any presenting body issues
- Discussion on appropriate breathwork during pregnancy and in preparation for birth
- Practice teaching time in pairs and groups
- Q&A around what has been learnt, philosophy around teaching pregnant students, nourishment, community, sangha
- Relaxation, integration time and Yoga Nidra.
Lara Heppell is a Senior Yoga teacher and allwoman is a registered training provider with Yoga Alliance Professionals.
This course qualifies for CPD points from Yoga Alliance UK that can be attributed to your YA career path.
Certification will be provided at the end of the course as evidence of attendance.
Date and venue
Lara is a fully accredited Senior Yoga Teacher accredited with Yoga Alliance Professionals. She has been a yoga practitioner and teacher for over 20 years (15 years teaching yoga and 10 years Pregnancy Yoga teaching experience). She is also an experienced Doula, Mizan Abdominal Massage Therapist and holistic women’s wellness expert specialising in womb health and wellbeing. Lara has a therapeutic and somatic approach to the Yoga she teaches, helping to deepen awareness through detailed instruction, imagery and mindful movements.