One to One Support

Reconnecting women to their innate feminine power and body wisdom

One to one online or in person support

“If you bring forth what is within you what you bring forth will save you. But if you do not bring forth what is within you what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”

Kae Tempest

I offer one to one support for women’s wellbeing online or in person to women at all stages of life, from a girl just entering womanhood to women wanting to conceive, during pregnancy, birth or motherhood or transitioning into menopause.

I specialise in supporting women through the rites of passage, initiations, and transformative gateways that arise throughout the feminine life cycle.

I honestly can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me over the past few months. I honestly feel that you saved me. At a time when I was free falling and so vulnerable and devastated you guided me to delve deep, feel safe and supported in doing the terrifying thing of acceptance and gave me so many tools – all in the most gentle, sensitive and patient way. You’re an incredible woman and I feel so lucky that the email about your last workshop pinged in when it did – it was like fate put you in front of me when I needed it most and I’m truly grateful to you.


Are you moving through a period of profound change or upheaval in your life right now?

Whether it’s a career shift, relationship transformation, health journey or entering a new phase of life, these critical threshold experiences can leave us feeling unmoored and uncertain.

During these tender times of rebirth and re-patterning, it’s essential to have an experienced guide for your transition process.

In our work together, I’ll hold space free of judgement or agenda as you explore any challenging thoughts, emotions, and questions arising. Using somatic therapy and somatic movement practices, authentic movement, archetypal work, embodiment, yoga, breathwork and more, I’ll help you reconnect to your own inner wisdom and the unique medicine this transition has for your growth.

This has made more difference than any talking therapy. It has helped me befriend my body and really understand what it needs. So empowering and I highly recommend it for any one struggling in big transitions and changes in their life. Everyone needs some of Lara’s wisdom and guidance to empower themselves.


Transitions can be disorienting, but they’re also potent portals into rediscovering who you are at your core. With compassionate presence and feminine mentorship, I’ll illuminate the path ahead while reminding you of your sovereignty every step of the way.

You don’t have to birth yourself alone during this metamorphic time. If you’re feeling called to have a skilled, caring companion to shed new light on your journey, I invite you to book a free initial consultation so we can discuss your process further.

This is not for folk who are looking for quick fixes and magic pills. This work is multilayered, deep reaching, trauma informed and aimed at unravelling and undoing, and this process requires time and commitment from both sides.

Things have changed A LOT for me. I have become far more connected to myself and my menstrual cycle. Being more aware of my changing internal seasons and what I need during these changes, asking more often for support when it’s needed. I am trying to be more compassionate towards myself, I have stopped apologising and I am not resisting emotions as much. I’m much more aware of the things I need and I’m asking for help much more. Saying NO to things too!


I see myself as a threshold doula and mentor (I am a real life Doula too), facilitator and guide. I light the way, hold your hand and offer support but you take the journey across the bridge alone.

I work online via Zoom and in person when it’s possible.

Book your free initial consultation

What others say


“Well what can I say… thank you so blooming much for supporting me through this journey!!! Couldn’t have got this far without all of your wise words and deep relaxation sessions, you are truly one in a million and I can’t wait for the full circle to be complete and for you to hold our daughter.“

– Beck

“Lara led a one off session during our monthly programme supporting mothers following late miscarriage, stillbirth or TFMR.

From start to finish, Lara has been a joy to work with. She listened to our needs and the needs of the group, and delivered a tailor-made class. She connected with warmth, empathy, and understanding of women and their bodies – and enabled each woman to reconnect with themselves through bodywork and visualisation after the pain of loss, trauma, and disconnection.

I would recommend Lara in a heartbeat – and indeed, I have, many times.”

– Ruth

“Working with Lara has been a liberating, uplifting and joyful experience.

Having been a little nervous of working with free movement, I was really surprised how quickly Lara put me at ease. She creates a safe space for you to move freely and without inhibition, using supportive language that makes it clear that anything and everything is welcome.

I was quite fearful and, if I’m honest, a little sceptical of the somatic approach but Lara has a lovely way of leading you through each session which makes it feel simple and accessible. Her gentle encouragement to follow my instincts helped me to listen to how my body wants to move and I found myself enjoying fluid movement which brought about a tangible sense of ease and a release of tension I hadn’t even realised I was holding.

Experiencing the joy of moving in and out of stillness in an intuitive and authentic way is a real treat and I found myself smiling and giggling my way through each playful, cathartic and utterly delightful session.”

– Helen

“I have worked with Lara for support with burnout and birth trauma. Lara has held space and listened to my experiences and helped me to feel safe and supported.

The biggest change since we have worked together has been the sense of empowerment I feel. I have realised how much power I have over how I feel and I have gained a lot of tools to help me resource myself through life.

When I started the sessions I had high levels of anxiety and was locked in a hypervigilant state, as well as mental/emotional stress. I could also feel this with low energy and pains through my body. My pains have gone and my energy has improved. I also feel such a weight off mentally.”

– Amy

“I have made lots of changes, I created a yoga space in my house so I can devote more time and space to ME! Clearing my son’s old nursery to (could say clearing a space) to make room for a ‘yoga cave’ was a HUGE release. I felt like it helped to move a very long standing emotional blockage and has had had a huge impact on my day to day life. I don’t think I’ve shut the door to that room once since I cleared it out. Until then I kept it firmly shut as I couldn’t stand being in it or even looking into it. Now I do weekly practice in there!

Stress and anxiety have improved. I find the Yoga Nidra, Restorative Yoga and different calming breathing techniques particularly help me. Also not resisting the feelings, just exploring them instead really helps with the anxiety as they start to subside and fade.

Overall I am being kinder to myself. Thinking about the things I have ticked off the ever expanding list, rather than the things that I have not. I have almost completely stopped apologising! I LOVE that! I even internally high five myself from time to time. I have especially enjoyed B being aware of my body and connecting to myself and my feelings on a much more regular basis.”

– K

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