New year but no need for a new you


The last decade 2010-2020 – the allwoman journey

I know I am late with this… I always am; finally, at 45 I am truly honouring my own pace, pottering, that is what I like to do, moving slow. I have tried to push against this for so long but really this is me. I am very sensitive and get overwhelmed by bright lights, too much screen time, shopping centres and anything that overloads the senses. I need to move slowly, take breaks and get outside in the day. In perimenopause, now edging towards 46, this is becoming even more necessary; my focus cannot be scattered with multitasking anymore, simplicity is key. And yet I have a creative way of working so I don’t make this easy for myself, as ever it’s all a work in progress.

January kicked my arse and I was left with an injury that I am still healing from but in this recovery time, when forced to go slow, it finally dawned on me that this is how I like it; I push against it but inherently this is me. Late to the party, always! And I’m OK with that. So no, I haven’t got a ten year plan, goals, bucket list or any idea really of how this year will all unfold. I have a word for the Year (well three) NATURE supported by LOVE and WILD and I have an idea of focus areas for my business but I am staying open to receive, being guided by life, as so far it seems to have a path for me in 2020 so I am listening deeply, learning, adjusting and accommodating and shifting as I go.

I have seen all the posts about reflections on the last decade and this made me reflect on my own journey.

On 15th January I celebrated my ninth wedding anniversary – 10 years together – a lot has happened in that time. My son is now 8 so we had little time together before our baby arrived and I was plunged in my late thirties into marriage, motherhood, postnatal recovery and then it seems straight into perimenopause. All of this alongside leaving my well paid day job so that instead of yoga being my thing on the side, it became my full time role firstly as a yoga teacher and now coupled with being a teacher trainer full time.

So one thing struck me as I saw in my inbox the usual January influx of diet and detox ‘New Year, New You’ info was that my husband never wanted me any other way, and that his love and support, innate creativity and feminist approach to life, one based on equality, has helped me to really learn and understand that to be true. He has helped me along with the work I have done myself to know that I am perfectly imperfect just as I am. As we all are. And so those adverts don’t impact on me now.

A very toxic ex who wanted me to be different once told me I would end up with some hippy man. He envisaged someone ungrounded, flaky and drifteresque. Instead, I got a man who could be open to my queries and questions and approaches, who saw real benefit in my more feminine approach to life and my witchy intuitive ways. A man who didn’t need to be mothered or for me to change to suit him, who accepted me for all I was and helped me be even more me.

The ex on the other hand married the woman I thought he was cheating on me with 🙂

So in 2020, trust your gut, be yourself. And if you want to journey more deeply into you in this next decade, get in touch to see how we can work together to explore how you move in your body and how that might relate to how you move through your life?

Perspectives can change when how we move changes and when we understand how and why we move.

“Movement is life; without movement life is unthinkable. Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself.”
– Moshe Feldenkrais

Here are my upcoming one to one and group offerings to help you journey more deeply into you in 2020 whether you want to do that alone or with others:

Unearth The Wild Within

I am extending the earlybird price for Unearth the Wild Within from 20th February until midnight (UK time) Sunday 8th March, giving people an extra couple of weeks as I haven’t been advertising this much for the last few weeks while I have been out of action so ensuring no one loses out because of that.

One to one support

We can focus on anything from breathing to posture, postnatal rehabilitation or general yoga/somatic movement support. Or perhaps for you, focusing on stillness and deep rest is what is needed. Or maybe you want to step out of your movement comfort zone by adding different dimensions to your practice with more authentic, free intuitive movement that helps that inner wild women within express herself…. anything is possible.

You can book a free consult to discuss in more detail or book direct if you already know the support you want.

Mentoring for teachers (online or face to face)

Maybe you need support right now to get insights into how your teaching can evolve if you feel stuck, or perhaps there is a tricky student/client you need support with. Perhaps you need support yourself to move through a tricky phase in your teaching career or you have run out of ideas or feel stagnant or stuck or just need some more regular support to help you support others. Get in touch for a free initial consult or book online.

Advanced Restorative Workshop – CPD for teachers

This workshop is great for dedicated students, trainee teachers and teachers. It is perfect for those who enjoy restorative yoga and are interested in exploring advanced restorative poses and techniques. It will be relaxing yet informative with a blend of experiential practices and open workshop-style learning to improve self-practice or your own teaching skills.
More information

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