Hello, I'm Lara Heppell,
Founder of allwoman
I’ve never much liked being put in a box or labelled too clearly. As a lover of mystery and the unseen, I’m comfortable sitting with the unknown. This approach provides more freedom and expressiveness, allowing continuous evolution and shifting – and that is what truly fascinates me.
I like what Sophie Strand has to say about this.
“Identity is how we find temporary safety by diluting ambiguity.”
– Sophie Strand
My Work and Why
I’m deeply interested in what it means to be in right relationship – with ourselves, with each other, with the land. With over two decades of experience as a movement teacher, guide and trainer, I now serve as a Threshold Doula, Somatic Therapist, and Mentor, walking alongside women through life’s profound transitions, holding space for the mystery and messiness of transformation.
My support adapts to meet each woman where she is, flowing with her unique journey and needs. This might look like walking alongside you through times such as:
🔻Period challenges and menstrual awakening
🔻 Pregnancy and the postnatal journey
🔻 Grief and loss in its many forms
🔻 Illness, injury, and physical transitions
🔻 Burnout and trauma recovery
🔻 The passage through perimenopause to menopause
🔻 Professional evolution and business transformation
🔻 Life transitions and personal evolution
Mobile: 07810 827 950
Email: info@all-woman.co.uk
You can also complete the form on the contact page
Whether you’re shapeshifting in your business, evolving your professional path or navigating personal transitions, these are just some of the ways we might work together – our journey will be as unique as you are.
The way I teach movement and what I offer has evolved over time. I have extensive experience in teaching many different styles of yoga, though my focus these days is on a somatic approach to yoga and movement, more authentic, intuitive styles of movement that involve more freedom into the body and deep rest through restorative yoga and yoga nidra practices.
Somatic movement and practice is grounded in “soma”, in our bodies, and it is a practice that brings our focus inside, to our internal felt sense experience that we connect with through the sensations that we receive and experience within the body. I wrote a blog about it here.
This somatic approach feels organic to me. I facilitate and guide in my sessions, but you walk the bridge alone. As a feeling person, somatic movement was always my natural way in, even before I could give it a name. I have always found it easier to access deeper truths and emotional expression through moving my body. A dancer since the age of four, I love to move and explore lots of different types of movement; there is always something new to learn and get curious about.
The body-mind connection endlessly fascinates me – the intricate dance of fascia, the poetry of anatomy, the memories held within our tissues. I love witnessing women’s stories unfold through movement, seeing them discover their own expression, embracing both light and shadow as they fully own who they are. I’m interested in what it is to be able to shapeshift, change, evolve, adapt – just as the landscape and Earth around us does. Menstrual cycle awareness and cyclical literacy are foundational to this; they’re at the heart of what I offer. As women we are cyclical beings, the earth is cyclical. There are multitudes of cycles within cycles interweaving, overlapping, flowing through us, the earth and our lives all of the time. As we change, evolve, age and experience, so too do our needs, wants, desires.
I’m interested in evolution and liberation, in rooting deeply into ourselves to bring darkness to light, shake free from wellness narratives and unshame ourselves – bring all of our glorious messiness into the light. I’ve experienced much darkness in my own life and that allows me to be able to hold that for you. We can only hold the depth of what we know.
Who I support
I support curious, soulful, empathic, highly sensitive and multi dimensional entrepreneurial women, leaders, teachers, healers, creative, artists and misfits – women of all ages/stages of life through change.
I’m here:
🔻For the edgewalkers and liminal space dwellers who are caught between worlds, women who’ve outgrown old identities but are not yet ready to shift fully into new ones.
🔻For the misfits, shapeshifters and the weavers who know that something right now doesn’t quite fit. The snake women who have withered from their domestication, lost their way and want to reclaim their wild. The women in need of support in shedding old habits, identities, worn skins, those who are ready to fully embody the bones of the woman they have now become.
🔻To help women to remember who they really are and what they came here to do in the world.
We work together to help you reconnect with your soul story threads and guide you back to your body to reclaim and remember. Equipping you with the resources and courage you need to feel safe enough to follow them. It’s a journey back to wholeness.
allwoman: A Sanctuary for Transformation
I create sacred, brave spaces where you are welcome to show up exactly as you are – no masks, no pretense, your whole self welcome here. These are spaces for authentic exploration, expression, deep rest, and transformation. Whether through individual sessions, community gatherings and circles or transformative programmes, I walk alongside you through change.
As an experienced threshold doula and somatic facilitator, I weave together therapeutic movement, embodied wisdom, mythological exploration, archetypal understanding and earth-based practices. Through trauma-informed somatic therapy, somatic movement, cyclical awareness and deep rest, I support women navigating life’s transitions.
My Approach
My practice is rooted in reciprocity and relationship, moving and dancing outside, letting landscape and intuition guide me. Through authentic movement and body-earth training and wisdom, I’ve learnt to connect deeply to the spaces between, to stillness and the mystery of seasonal cycles. Ecosomatics is my language – where body and earth are one, speaking through process and poetry.
“The world and I reciprocate one another. The landscape as I directly experience it is hardly a determinate object; it is an ambiguous realm that responds to my emotions and calls forth feelings from me in turn.”
– David Abram
My approach integrates:
🔻 Somatic therapy & movement medicine
🔻 Women’s womb wisdom
🔻 Menstrual & hormonal wisdom
🔻 Nervous system healing
🔻 Seasonal & cyclical living
🔻 Professional mentoring
🔻 Community support & liberation
What I offer:
🔻 Individual somatic therapeutic support
🔻 Individual somatic yoga/movement support
🔻 Group experiences through group mentoring, teacher training and our allwoman community groups
🔻 Women’s circles, trainings, events, courses, programmes and retreats
🔻 Trauma-informed practices
🔻 Depth of support
🔻 Nourishing deep rest
Like the dragonfly – my totem symbolising profound, patient transformation – I understand that change is rarely swift. I can support you in shedding old habits, identities, worn skins; if you are ready to excavate your metaphorical tombs to rebuild and fully embody the bones of the woman you can now become.
My Journey: Navigating the Liminal
Liminal space is where I truly live. From a young age, I’ve been drawn to the transitional moments where transformation quietly unfolds. At 16, I left home too soon, growing up quickly, working at a bank and putting aside my dreams to seek a sense of safety and stability.
Discovering Movement and Self
A dancer from childhood, movement was my first language. After stepping away in my teens to explore rave culture, I found my way back through yoga. My corporate role in Project and Change Management funded deeper explorations – including transformative time in India.
Relationships and Rediscovery
My early relationships were patterns of co-dependency and self-loss. Eventually, I found a different kind of love – steady, intellectual and heart-centred. Motherhood brought its own profound challenges: a difficult birth, womb issues and the sense that part of my wild self had been hidden away. But it was becoming a mother that forced me to confront childhood trauma I’d carefully hidden behind yoga practices. This journey led me into somatic work and embodied healing, discovering how our bodies hold these stories and can move through them.
Reclaiming the Wild
Somatics, authentic movement and deep exploration of myth and mystery reawakened my essence, the dancing girl who once played in the woods. Through inner child work, trauma support and archetypal exploration, I began to reconnect with my most authentic self. Who was always happiest out in nature connecting with the rocks, rivers, animals and trees.
A Leap of Transformation
Perimenopause marked another significant threshold. I moved to France with few possessions, learned a new language and created a new life. This was an initiation, my mid life crisis or split – stepping into the wild, embracing uncertainty and deepening my somatic support work.
An Invitation
If you’re ready to dance with your wild, to listen to the poetry of your body and the earth, I’m honoured to walk alongside you.
Book a complimentary 30-minute chat to explore how we might work together through life’s transitions. Let’s discuss your vision, challenges, and how somatic wisdom can support your evolution.
Lara is available to speak to members of the media about a range of women’s health related subjects including womb and menstrual health, cycle awareness, fertility, pregnancy, post-natal care, perimenopause, menopause and the role yoga and alternative treatments can play in every stage of womanhood.