Kim’s Birth Story


My unintentional free birth birth story. I just didn’t think I was in labour. I had experienced a very long, painful labour with my little boy last time and this was all very different.

Having one to one yoga sessions and mizan abdominal massage helped me physically avoid discomfort and pain but emotionally allowed me to get rid of all fear!! Not a useful emotion when you need lots of oxytocin.I had no pelvic pain and previously I had suffered from severe pelvic girdle pain from 37 weeks.

The Pregnancy yoga classes helped with many positions that I ended up using in labour. I spent the early stages of labour resting and listening to Katherine Graves colour and calm hypnobirthing. I engaged in my contractions far too early last time counting and timing every one mainly due to excitement. This time I just rested as much as possible in yoga nidra or hypnobirthing. Cramps started mid afternoon and luckily my little boy was at nursery. I used my affirmations throughout the end of my pregnancy which I repeated in my head throughout challenging moments during the very end of the delivery. As my surges intensified I focused entirely on my breathing which just came naturally whilst either being on all fours or rocking over a birthing ball. As long as I did I felt no pain. The odd time I became distracted it was uncomfortable.

My moaning had woken my little boy so my husband went to settle him. As the surges became intense I wanted to get to the water pool but didn’t make it downstairs. I was stood up using the doorframe for support and then poor Lara’s neck as I gave birth to Max in minutes. My husband was still upstairs settling Charlie.  3-4 pushes (bloody intense) and hello world. We did it!

My affirmations were (two obviously laminated copies) the same one you had about trusting your body and the other “she turned her cant’s into cans and her dreams into plans” and I did exactly that.

One that I used in nidra was ” I am a kind and gentle mother having a kind and gentle birth”. I can’t really explain why but my affirmations were so helpful. My breathing just came to me.

Max is the most calm and chilled baby ever!

I had no pain relief just homeopathy. Previously I had every intervention going and just avoided a c section. This time I had a the natural homebirth I dreamt of.

My advice is get a Doula ( Lara’s obviously the best), do pregnancy yoga, get rid of any fear and breathe.

– Kim Leeds December 2016 Doula, Mizan and Pregnancy yoga client

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