Embrace the Unravelling – A Year of Becoming


A few weeks ago, while doing my 2023 reflections (I know I move slowly!) I found myself realizing that I had forgotten my word of the year – the guiding star that usually shapes my journey.

Initially, this discovery left me feeling somewhat unmoored. Having a word has been my compass for years, a steady guide helping me navigate the twists and turns of life.

You see, I’m not one for strict structures or routines. I prefer to be led by threads, allowing my practices to adapt and evolve according to where life takes me. However, there are some foundational practices that have remained unwavering over the years, and having a guiding word has been one of them. Forgetting it momentarily left me feeling disoriented, but then I realized that maybe that disorientation was exactly the point.

My journey of becoming

This past year has been a profound journey of becoming. Initially, when I explored this word, the common associations didn’t quite capture its depth – often linked to appearance or suitability. Yet, when approached as a noun, it reveals itself as a process of change, a movement from potentiality to actuality. And change has indeed been the hallmark of my year.

In a departure from my usual work routines, I’ve worked less officially this year than ever before, and it hasn’t always been by choice. It has brought me face to face with questions about identity – who am I without certain titles or roles? What do I truly want to be? The internal dialogue has been a tumultuous exploration of self-worth, value, and the societal conditioning that often equates our worth with productivity.

Moving to a new country where language barriers hindered freely sharing what I do, I felt a vulnerability that challenged my sense of purpose. The struggle made me question the value of what I do and whether anyone cares – whether I cared, questions that lingered uncomfortably in the air. This discomfort led me to a year of soul-searching, a deep dive into the essence of becoming.

In the process, I’ve unravelled beliefs about who I am, what I do, and the labels I’ve carried. Letting go of these identities and learning to sit in the unknown has been a challenging yet liberating journey. Finding contentment in being “nothing” has opened doors to a version of myself that is more authentic and unapologetic.

Approaching 50, and amidst the perimenopause journey, I find myself becoming clearer on my values, even if my direction remains elusive. This year has been a shedding of old layers, a metamorphosis, an ongoing story of becoming. I’ve become familiar with walking in liminal spaces, finding comfort in the quiet spaces between definitions, those spaces that mirror the pauses we find between breaths.

The latter part of the year, marked by ongoing global challenges, has lifted the veil on my perceptions of politics and leaders. It has been a humbling and awakening experience, prompting me towards decolonization and activism.

Embracing ambuguity

As I reflect on this transformative year, I’m reminded of a quote that resonated deeply from Sophie Strand:

“Identity is how we find temporary safety by diluting ambiguity.”

The discomfort of ambiguity, as Holistic Life Navigation aptly describes it, is a spiritual challenge – a fluid, flexible, and lawless nature that moves through everything.

In embracing ambiguity, I’ve asked myself: Can I not know for a while? Can I sit with the unknown and be okay with it until clarity naturally emerges? The journey of change demands that we dwell in the mystery, accepting the ambiguity as part of the process.

When life brings change, you needn’t navigate alone

As a Somatic Therapist, I’m here to gently guide your journey. I’ll walk alongside as you explore edges that arise, meet blindspots with compassion, and illuminate unconscious patterns now ready to be transformed.

My role is to facilitate, not force, change – creating space for your inner wisdom and deep self to unfold organically. Our work together unpacks all that wants recognition within you. It’s an empowering process of honoring the needs and desires longing to emerge into the light.

The catalyst for true change comes from within, never imposed from without. So in this collaborative space, I simply help energy flow through your system – awakening your inner clarity that transformation unfolds one step at a time.

Know that your unfolding is natural, and you have support each step of the way.

If you feel that you would benefit from some nurturing allwoman support, please book for a free 30 minute consultation call.

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