Autumn’s Invitation


🦋 Autumn Insights: Transform at the Equinox Threshold 🍂

The shift into Autumn, both in nature and within ourselves, mirrors the transition from Summer (ovulation time) in our menstrual cycle to the Autumn phase (pre-bleed). It’s a time of turning inwards, slowing down, and sitting with what’s happening within us. Autumn invites us to embrace this inward journey, just as it does within our lives and during the perimenopause/menopause  transition.

Autumn Equinox

This time of year is about Separation and Union. It’s a season of stripping back the harvest, shedding what’s no longer needed, and preparing to go Underground, moving from outward focus to inward reflection. Moving In and Down.

Taken from the replay of the Shelter session for September 2023

Union heals Separation. It’s at the core of all alchemical transformations, uniting energies to spark new growth.

The experience of Separation allows us to explore how we’ve become disconnected from Unity. What aspects of our inner journey have we forgotten amid the busyness of life?

Consider asking yourself…

  • What separates me from following my deepest longings and desires?
  • What keeps me from staying connected to my heart and my most loving response?
  • How have I become separated from acting on my intuition?

Now is the time to look for triggers, situations, and behaviours that create disconnection. Notice where you feel uncomfortable, unhappy, or negative, and what might be separating you from love, unity, and your soul’s path.

The Air Element is strong during this season and can often pull us into our thinking minds. It’s a complex shift, requiring a return to our heart, roots, and foundations.

Ways to support ourselves during this season

  • Explore inner balance through movement, including free movement (dance), and listen to your nervous system. What is your body telling you that you need?
  • Develop inner and outer awareness and boundaries. Recognise what belongs to you and what doesn’t.
  • Try fascia-focused movement to release tension and hydrate tissues (fascia is like a second nervous system).
  • Examine habitual patterns and explore new ways of working with your perception and senses to bring more ease and flexibility into your body.
    • If we think a lot can we sense and feel more?
    • If we feel stuck can we find new ways of moving?
  • If you don’t already, consider tracking your menstrual cycles and energy fluctuations to better support yourself.
  • Connect with your community, share with friends and family, and engage in personal reflection and journaling.

In summary

  • Autumn signifies shorter days and cooler weather, urging us to adapt to the transition.
  • It’s a season of Separation and Union.
  • Autumn brings the harvest, both from the land and from the seeds we planted earlier in the year (at Imbolc time).
  • It’s a time to sift through our bounty and release what no longer serves us, so we can conserve energy and focus on what truly matters.
  • It’s also a season of celebration and honoring, so enjoy your comfy sweaters, warming soups, and crisp autumnal walks.

Embrace the colours of Autumn and the wisdom it offers.

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