5 Energising Vitality boosters to awaken you to Spring


If you want to get things moving now and really start to reawaken to the new Spring energy around us then these simple practices might help give you a much needed boost. You could add some of them into your daily or weekly routine to add a bit more pop and fizz to your day.

  1. Skin Brushing – Try dry brushing the skin before a shower. It helps break down unwanted toxins, shed dead skin cells which results in more radiant fresher skin. It also improves vascular blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and has benefits for the nervous system too, whilst feeling fab at the same time! Read more on the benefits here.
  2. Get moving – Start your day with some energizing yoga moves or a brisk walk, maybe even some barefoot walking to really ground the body and recharge from the feet up. Or perhaps have a boogie, movement can be found in many forms. Check out my quick feet fix exercises here.
  3. Issues in your tissues? Often if we are sitting in one place for long periods we can start to feel tense, tight and rigid. To bring some fluidity and softness into our inner body working with something “squidgy” like a soft ball can be really helpful to bring some fluid hydration spinal movements on a ball. This video by my fab teacher Liz Koch is one of my favourite things to do. You could also try bathing in Epsom salts too not only is it known to activate fluid movement in the tissues it also delivers a high dose of magnesium which is known to calm nerves and anxiety.
  4. Smells to awaken the senses – Often we can find lots of smells outside in nature especially with flowers awakening now, the smell of grass and trees and perhaps even some Spring rain. However we can also use smells to help to create a warming environment, awaken the body, relax the mind in the form of essential oils and burners. Wild orange and lemon are my favourites to awaken and reinvigorate with lavender being a particular night time favourite. Some inspiration can be found here.
  5. Take time to rest…don’t move too fast. Spring is a transition season that guides us from the depths of Winter into the headiness of Summer we don’t want to peak too soon. Add 20 minutes of Rest into everyday, book it like a meeting, learn the art of deep rest, it will change your life.

Got any more great tips to share? Then do get in touch.

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