Unearth the Wild Within

A one year seasonal course for all women of all ages

What is it for you to be a woman?

Following the Celtic Wheel of the Year, journey deep into yourself through Yoga, Somatic movement and ancient wisdom, honouring and aligning with the natural rhythms and cycles of the seasons, the moon and yourself and exploring your connection to nature and your true self and how this ripples through into your relationships with others.

Unearth the wise and wild spirit that resides in all of us, that innate knowing that requires no other guru but ourselves, the Earth and the natural cyclical wisdom we have around us.

“My calling to complete the [Unearth The Wild Within] course at came exactly the right time – little did I know what challenges lay ahead in 2019 and how invaluable the support and strength of our amazing group would be.”

Why join me on this journey?

Lara Heppell
Hello, I’m Lara Heppell, and this course is the culmination of nine years of training and personal exploration that have evolved from my initial yoga practice.

The course emphasizes a feminine, non-linear somatic approach to movement, drawing from my dedicated somatic and intuitive movement practice, somatic psychology, and authentic movement training.

Within this course, we delve deep into eco-somatics, receptivity, and relationships – how we connect with the Earth, other beings, and our community. Ritual and ceremony are integral to our journey, making the course a transformative rite of passage. It often becomes a stable, supportive resource, a fulcrum, for people attending who may be going through tricky transformations or significant life transitions.

Cyclical and seasonal wisdom are vital components. We work with the current seasons of our lives and our unique cycles in each gathering. Foundational to the course is womb health and wellbeing, incorporating Womb Yoga, Well woman yoga therapy, Shamanic Womb Wisdom practices, somatic breathwork, Restorative Yoga, and meditation.

Seasonal and Cyclical wisdom have long been my passion, woven into every facet of my work and embodied existence.

Creating a safe, inclusive space for women to connect and find solace, nurturing a strong circle evolving over a year’s sun cycle, was my dream. In 2019, that dream materialized and it was immense a really beautiful experience.

Although Covid disrupted future plans, I’m now excited to take this course online, incorporating both in-person gatherings and enriching home playwork outside in the landscapes close to your home. The extra piece I’m excited about is a week-long retreat where we unite in person. (I’m still working through when during the course this will be but dates will be out as soon as possible).

Unearth the Wild Within offers ample time for sharing, moving, exploring, learning, creating, and profound introspection. Its initial birth was a process, and now I’m thrilled to present the revamped online version in 2024.

If this resonates with your register your interest now and you’ll be the first to know once dates and timings are finalised.

Register your interest in the next Unearth the Wild Within course

11 + 12 =

“We would all arrive at our circle, a little frazzled, broken, despondent – all in desperate need to share, express ourselves and gather our inner strength. Your wise, well researched insights helped to curate that space.”

Your year long adventure and exploration into body and earth…

The final details are still being worked through but we’ll meet for nine online sessions throughout the year around the Celtic Wheel of the Year Festival dates AND we’ll meet in person for a week long Retreat!

Register your interest in the next Unearth the Wild Within course

13 + 3 =

“[It was] a space for us all to breath a little deeper, delve a little deeper and learn so much on the way. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your knowledge and wisdom over the past year. I will always be eternally grateful to you and our circle of wonderful, brave, strong women.”

The sessions

(Spring Equinox Gathering)

  • Introduction to the course – nature’s seasons, cycles and cyclical wisdom
  • Focus on building energy and vitality
  • Focus on reconnection to the Earth – grounding, nurturing and healing from the inside out
  • Movement play outside – using nature’s tools
  • Working with thresholds as we enter Spring
  • Connecting with nature and developing presence
  • Spreading your intentions into the wider field

(Beltane Gathering)

  • Focus on deep listening and getting things moving
  • Letting movement unfold and tell a story – what is needed now
  • Gathering ideas, plotting and planning – where is the resistance?
  • Focus on inner knowing and intuition
  • Blending with drive, motivation and will
  • Finding a balance between action, receiving and noticing when you’re pushing
  • Connecting with your primal spirit
  • Finding your own healing medicine through movement and nature’s offerings

Rise Up
(Summer Solstice Gathering)

  • Focus on being in your power
  • Connecting to your own inner fire, power and confidence
  • Exploring your edges
  • Time to be in a relationship with yourself, each other and nature
  • Seeing what feels right for each of us
  • Boundaries and honesty – self honouring
  • Body and Earth – elemental exploration of separation and integration
  • Coming back to wholeness

(Lammas Gathering)

  • Exploring fluid movement outside – being in flow
  • Our Body and Earth relationship with water
  • Learning to go with the flow of life
  • Finding ways to get closer to nature
  • Reflection, gratitude and offerings

(Autumn Equinox Gathering)

  • Exploring ways to release safely through movement and embodiment tools
  • Containment, boundaries and safety for the body
  • Sitting with discomfort – working with transitions
  • Letting go and the art of surrender and rest
  • Cutting ties and finding ways to release

Shadows, Stories and Inner Realms
(Samhain Gathering)

  • Facing your shadow
  • Movement – slowing things down, coming back to ground
  • Inner body work
  • Exploring your stories and ancestral heritage
  • Honouring womb wisdom
  • Cleansing, healing and protection
  • Reclaiming the dark

(Winter Solstice Gathering)

  • Restorative movement practices – the art of stillness
  • Coming back home
  • Silence and stillness
  • Reflection and rest
  • Integration time
  • Dream time

(Imbolc Gathering)

  • Sharing stories
  • Movement explorations – self enquiry, self nurture and nourishment
  • Planting intentions ahead of Spring Equinox
  • Being in nature – deepening your awareness
  • Creating sacred space

Love and Honour
(Spring Equinox Gathering)

  • Movement celebration – consolidation, finding joy and pleasure in movement
  • Review our year together
  • Celebration of nature within and without
  • Honouring yourself and each other
  • Sap rising again, setting intentions as you cross the threshold into a new life
  • Rebirth and growth

Register your interest in the next Unearth the Wild Within course

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