Birthing Preparation Workshop
Lovingly designed to help women and their birth partners / supporters prepare for the amazing experience of birth.
“Between December and March I attended several Yoga Kula pregnancy yoga classes, as well as the Birth Preparation Workshop with my partner ahead of the birth of our baby in April. Not only did attending classes reduce my anxiety about the upcoming birth, but I was able to use the yoga and hypnobirthing techniques I had practiced to have the positive birthing experience I wanted. Thank you so much, it really did make all the difference.”
About the workshop
Preparation gives birth to self confidence.
– Denise Harman
Our fabulous Birth Preparation sessions have been lovingly designed to help women and their birth partners / supporters prepare for the amazing experience of birth.
In these sessions we discuss birth from a natural physiological perspective and provide you with a safe, open and nurturing space in which to gain new skills and confidence, discuss birth (in a non-medical setting) as a couple or in a small workshop environment with other parents-to-be.
I like to think of these sessions as a dress rehearsal for birth, including:
- Active Birth and Movement Techniques – A blend of birth ball work, Rebozo, active birthing positions as well as helpful Yoga movements;
- Sensation Management Techniques – Includes powerful breathing techniques, practical birth skills, the power of scent and practical skills such as active legs in labour, the use of props and partner support techniques;
- Breathing, affirmation, visualisation & relaxation practices – Supplying you with a variety of techniques designed to support you through each stage of your labour, whether to help you find some balance, peace and calm, inner vitality and rejuvenation or as a support to help manage strong sensations as labour progresses through to transition;
- Birth Partner Preparation – Learn practical skills like the “hip squeeze”, useful massage and stretching techniques or Rebozo skills to use to help relax and support mum in labour …Practice makes perfect!
- Hypno Yoga for birth- Our sessions start and end with some lovely guided relaxation practices, free recordings of these practices are provided after the session to allow you to listen to again at home whenever you choose. A really lovely healing therapeutic resource to help you get into a relaxed hypnotic state.
“Many thanks for the brilliant birth prep class a few days before giving birth. The breathing and affirmations really helped to keep me going (especially taking a pause and imagining breathing out in a spiral/ corkscrew).
I also had the confidence to fight for the birth I wanted despite being told I wasn’t allowed a pool when I arrived at the hospital. I dug my heels in and got wireless monitoring in the tub. Good luck to everyone else awaiting their babies… and keep spinning that golden thread when the time comes!”
The course content is gleaned from 10 years of Pregnancy Yoga teaching experience, Doula expertise, working with Mark Harris of Birthing for Blokes, a fabulous male midwife who writes about birth from a male perspective, and feedback from women giving birth and their partners as to what worked well for them.
The sessions enable you as a couple to work together, gain new skills and confidence and more importantly discover what you both want from your birth experience. It is a unique opportunity for you and your partner to connect with your baby and explore what support might mean for you, how you can work together to empower the mother and create an environment that promotes calm and relaxation for both you and baby.
In addition to these larger group sessions held at Yoga Kula (for up to ten couples). Sessions can also be booked privately for couples or small groups. These small group or couples sessions are all held at my loftspace studio Aditi’s Loft.
Privately booked sessions can be flexible in duration to suit your needs and can be booked as a private session in your home as well (this option will incur travel costs in addition to the cost of the sessions).
We tailor each session to suit your own unique individual needs, however from experience, 3 to 3.5 hours is optimal to enable us to go through every stage of labour in a full dress rehearsal ahead of your birth.
Or you can contact us directly to discuss your own personal requirements.
You can also book me to attend a group that you run to deliver this workshop, if that is of interest do get in touch.
Get in touch
Contact us to book or to arrange a free 20-minute consultation to assess your needs.
“Before we attended Lara’s Birth Preparation Workshop my partner and I were little prepared for birthing and lacking in confidence. During the workshop we learned many varied techniques that involved movement, breathing and sound that could be used during labour. Lara demonstrated how to use a Rebozo to aid surges and got our partners involved, showing them ways to support us. Lara recommended books, CDs, oils and other remedies that could be used to ease the birth process and best of all showed us how to raise oxytocin levels in creating a warm, loving environment to do the workshop in. My partner and I left feeling reassured and very positive about how to manage all situations that could occur in
birthing. Following the workshop she sent us lots of very helpful information and examples of Birth Preferences/Plans that we could adapt. Thank you Lara for a positive, helpful and engaging workshop!”